BODEGA SAN MIGUEL, since 1956. Since then, thousands of visitors, including tourists, distributors, retailers ... have come to visit our winery, taste our wines and visit the Villa de Ausejo.
The winery was founded by 191 cooperative members, who combined their efforts and capital to build, with their own hands and in their free time, a winery, given the impossibility of fighting and maintaining in a wine market in continuous evolution and dominated by the large wineries of La Rioja.
Nowadays, the winery has a capacity of 2,900,000 liters in concrete tanks and 3,930,000 liters in stainless steel tanks, making a total of 6,830,000 liters.
We wanted to present our wines, made with our hands, with the name of OBRADA, which means the measurement of the agricultural area by the time of human work.