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Territorio Rioja Oriental Autol

Wine, Vine and Chocolate

Golmajería is an old word, said to be of Arabic origin, that we Riojanos use to define our passion for sweets. With this proposal we want to continue sharing products from our territory with the companies that visit us. We will start discovering the terroir where the wines of our winery are born, landscapes of Monte Yerga, old vineyards located in high mountain ranges. Once in the winery we will share our history, taste our wines and let ourselves be surprised by their perfect harmony with the rich and original chocolates made by the master chocolatier of "La Clavelina", a traditional bakery born 30 years ago from the hands of an enterprising woman, whose work is continued today by her children, spreading her good work all over the world. Together we make territory."

Sobre la bodega

Bodegas Marques de Reinosa, founded in 1956, collects the legacy left in Autol by one of the first wineries in Rioja to apply the elaboration and aging techniques developed in Bordeaux to its wines at the end of the 19th century.

Our winery has a cultivation area of ​​1000 hectares of own vineyard with native varieties of Rioja: 60% tempranillo, 25% Garnacha, completed with the presence of Mazuelo, Graciano, Viura and Verdejo. All traditional varieties of Rioja grown on free gravel and limes soils in the different municipalities of Autol.

The construction in 2000 of a new and innovative winery in Autol, located at the epicenter of the vineyards, allows you to carry out a harvest in which the maturity of the grapes prevails, the proximity to the winery and the individualized elaboration in accordance with criteria of typicity and quality. This new facility equipped with a modern and complete bottling line allows a more agile commercial development of its wines.

Among the commercial brands with which the winery is presented in the market it is worth mentioning the brand "Marqués de Reinosa". The numerous awards and diplomas received since its launch give good proof of its quality and acceptance by their customers.

As a complement and confirmation for the intended integration between tradition and modernity, it has its accreditation in the EN 4011 standard for food safety IFS.