LOLI CASADO is a family winery in its third generation, with a long tradition and innovation in the care of the vineyard and wine making from its own grapes. We go back to my grandfather in the year 1920, at that time my grandfather was dedicated to the cultivation of cereals, vineyards and olive trees that supported the family economy of the region. In the 70s my father replaced the cereal with vineyard, keeping the olive trees. And it was in 1982 when he began to bottle and sell the wine with his own brands: COVARA and JAUN DE ALZATE. It is from 2005 when we released the POLUS brand.
The grapes are obtained from the 25 hectares of own vineyard that the winery has in the municipalities of Laguardia and Lapuebla de Labarca.
Viniferae of three different ages coexist in the vineyard, in such a way that 40% of the vineyard is more than 70 years old; 50% are between 35-45 years old and 10% were planted in 2009.
In our winery we offer the most diverse activities related to wine and its world: from wine, grape and oil tastings to routes related to the environment that surrounds the wineries and places of greater cultural and scenic interest in the area.
VISIT TO THE WINERY: we organize visits to the new buildings of our winery so you can compare traditional methods with advanced methods of preparation.
WINE TASTINGS: we carry out regular tastings of our wines that delight amateurs and wine lovers. They show all our wines with their different varieties and flavors while knowing their processes of creation and maintenance.
GRAPES TASTINGS: during the harvest period we offer the possibility to make tastings of our grapes that delight amateurs and lovers of the grapevine.
OIL TASTINGS: we carry out some innovative olive oil tastings of our own production that delight the most demanding palates and represent a great way to learn and value this healthy and delicious product.
ROUTES: we make routes related to the environment that surrounds the wineries and places of greater cultural and scenic interest in the area.
To receive information about upcoming tasting dates please contact the winery.
Vinos de la bodega