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Alegre Valgañón
Territory Rioja Alta Sajazarra

Alegre Valgañón

The vineyards of the Valgañón family are scattered on the slopes of the Obarenes. In the municipalities of Cihuri, Cellorigo, Villaseca and, especially, Fonzaleche.

Each place has its beauty and its character and little by little we are introducing each one, to see if they also let themselves be known. Even in these only 15 km away, we find differential characteristics. We will try in the near future, to continue looking for the wines that are hidden in our vineyards.

The slopes of Los Montes Obarenes is the territory. Hanging between the bed of the river Tirón and the rocks of Jembres, are the places. These mountains are nothing but the continuation of the Sierra de Cantabria when it manages to jump to the other side of the Ebro, creating the Conchas of Haro.

This limit zone is characterized by the continental sediments of the Oligocene-Miocene (Facies of Haro) belonging to the continental Tertiary. These are characterized, in turn, by a variable alternation in size and percentage of sandstones, especially calcareous, calcareous silts and marly clays similar to those of the Rioja Alavesa.

Eva and Oscar are Eva Valgañón and Oscar Alegre. Two agricultural engineers, who met us studying winemaking in Italy almost 14 years ago and 3 children. Visiting Rinaldi, Montevertine, Conterno or Capellano we find inspiration. With this 2010, our story begins.

Since 2001, when we made a wine with our friend Mikel Zeberio and other colleagues, we understood that our life would make more sense, making our own wines with the family vineyard.

Eva is great-granddaughter of wine growers, daughter of Bautista, founding partner of the Cooperativa de Haro. At the same time, we renounce the solid inheritances received to pay our particular tribute. We renounce recipes, stereotypes ... we go out in search of the authentic, the simple and the light...

Alegre & Valgañon writes with these lines the prelude to what will be a consistent and endless project. We will elaborate Regional wines that represent all the subzones and above all, we will make Fonzaleche wines. Village with a unique location from which we want to obtain a new expression of its vineyards.

Winery wines