The name Arnedo is of Latin origin and means ‘sandy place’ (Arenetum).
During the Roman era, Arnedo was an important crossroads of two Roman roads: one from Calahorra to Numancia (near Soria) and the other from Contrebia Leukade to Varea.
The Christians established themselves here in the 10th century, with the town changing hands among the kingdoms of Navarre and later León, Castile and Aragon.
It is now highly industrialized and well-known for shoemaking.
Poblado celtíbero en el Cerro de San Miguel
Cuevas de los Cien Pilares y Centro de Interpretación de la Vida en las Cuevas
Castillo de Arnedo
Puerta del Cinto
Iglesias de Santo Tomás, San Cosme, San Damián y Santa Eulalia
Monasterio de Vico y Museo de Arte Sacro
Palacio del Arzobispo Argáiz
Palacio de la Baronesa
Sala La Celtiberia
Museo del Calzado
Museo de Ciencias Natural
Vía Verde y parque del Cidacos