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Stellar pairing, premium experience
Territorio Rioja Alavesa Elciego

Stellar pairing, premium experience

Stellar pairing, premium experience

The experience begins with a guided tour of the old winery. These are 16th century cellars where the Valdelana family has been making wine for fourteen generations. Currently, the space has been restored as an archaeological and wine museum. We will see the remains of the ancient civilizations that inhabited the Rioja Alavesa and ancient farming implements with which they cultivated the land and made wine. Next we will go to our Garden of Varieties. There we will enjoy the sunset and spectacular views while tasting six skewers of typical local products, accompanied of course by our wine. Possibility of live music to liven up the dinner: flamenco, violinist or others. In the evening we will enjoy a tasting of four wines and a cava, while Juan Jesús Valdelana tells us the stories and legends of four stars and a constellation."

Sobre la bodega

The winery, winner of the Best of the Oenological Tourism Prize, is built on six underground stonework ashlars dating from the 15th and 16th centuries. In them, you will discover our Ethnographic Museum that contains remains of all the cultures and civilizations that have preceded us and that have inhabited the Rioja Alavesa.

In the first one, we can find our Ethnographic Museum, a sample of the development of viticulture in Elciego. The exhibition includes a wide range of objects, from utensils from 6,500 years ago, to implements related to viticulture used in the 19th century.

Note our Chapel, chaired by the Virgin of the Plaza, located in an original altarpiece of the sixteenth century, where we can also see the oldest document that works in the winery and dating from 1583.

Our oldest cellar dates back to 1400. We wanted to leave it unrestored so that our visitors can admire a small sample of how our ancestors worked.

Our special tasting room is located in an underground cellar. From the tasting table you can enjoy a wonderful view of an infinite vineyard also located 10 meters underground.

Finally, we enter the "tunnel of the senses" composed of 5 old tanks and 4 restored fermentation lakes where the visitor can appreciate the colors of the wine, experiment with the aromas, know the ideal temperatures...