Tears of San Lorenzo
This event is held on the dates of the Perseid shower and consists of a stargazing, a talk by an astronomer, live music and a tasting of dishes made with local products and BAIGORRI wines in our Mirador de Cristal. Gastronomy in the event: it occupies a fundamental place, and visitors can enjoy a tasting of local products.
Sobre la bodega
At Bodegas BAIGORRI, the force of gravity drives the wine elaborating process. Built 35 meters underground, the winery uses the most rigorous methods selecting grapes by hand, harnessing gravity and avoiding the use of hoppers, pumps or mechanical methods of any kind that might damage the grape or the wine. The winery, as much a work of art as the wines it produces, is one of the landmark buildings in Rioja Alavesa. A glass box, empty so as to emphasize the environment, emerges from the soil and welcomes the visitor showing the surrounding vineyards in all their splendor.
Bodegas BAIGORRI, located in the town of Samaniego in the Rioja Alavesa, was designed and built by the architect Iñaki Aspiazu, who tailored the building to the unique way our wines are made, creating an architectural landmark in the area which blends with its surrounding.
The building is fully adapted to the existing topography and to the work carried out underneath its surface. It is a wide and open space, where cleanliness and order impress the visitor. Gravity is the main protagonist at our winery, allowing the grapes to be fermented completely intact. It is a vertical process, with all movements of grapes and wine done by gravity, avoiding the use of mechanical methods of any kind.There are no reception hoppers or pumps to move the grapes or pump them over in the tank. Right from the selection tables to the bottling line through to the winery’s different underground levels, all phases of production are optimised.The prime motivation of Bodegas BAIGORRI is lift the wine to its greatest expression, basing its labour in I+D+I, searching for the most carefully and constitutional way to transform the nature-given quality to wine.
Bodegas BAIGORRI executes a meticulous selection on his vineyards. We apply a rigorous selection process, fruit of our know-how and the annual observation of the vineyards.
The grapes for our wines come from a sustainable growing, in harmony with the nature, thanks to the use of traditional and modern ways. They are grown in old vines, deeply rooted in our native land and culture, providing us with a unique quality. They are harvested by hand and processed in a very smooth way, in order to turn the genuine flavour of Nature into wine. The high quality of our wines comes directly from the vineyard and it is clear reflection of the soil, the climate and the tradition of the Rioja Alavesa.