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Getting to know Viña Real

Getting to know Viña Real

Getting to know Viña Real

A visit to this winery always requires a tour of unique facilities due to the fusion between avant-garde architecture and its functional character, designed to take care of the wine while minimizing impacts. The winery consists of three buildings, the main one built in red cedar, adapting the volumes of a gigantic bathtub. Natural light, caves dug to store the wine and the use of cutting-edge technology define this monumental work. After the visit we can do some activities or different types of tastings, and of course combine them with different gastronomic experiences, from an accompaniment of local products to a gourmet menu of more avant-garde inspiration.

Sobre la bodega

It was inaugurated by his Majesty the King of Spain, Juan Carlos I, in 2004, and it became, without doubt, one of the most impressive avant-garde wineries.

Viña Real is located on the ‘Cerro de la Mesa’ hill, Rioja Alavesa. The soils of this area are composed of the best properties for the growing of the Tempranillo grape variety together with an optimum microclimate. Viña Real is a winery designed for the production, aging and bottling of the Viña Real range of wines.

This brand was developed by Cvne in the 1920’s. In this cellar, the bordelais architect Philippe Mazieres, has been able to combine the concepts of man, nobility and modernity with the use of concrete, wood and stainless-steel, the main components of this new cellar.