Calahorra is located on the right bank of the River Ebro in the south-west of eastern La Rioja, on the border with Navarre.
The Ebro and Cidacos rivers have given it enough water over the centuries to support its agriculture, as witnessed by the fruit and vegetable market in Raso square held every Thursday all year round.
Calahorra is a key distribution point of fresh market garden produce for the whole of northern Spain, while industry and commerce have also thrived, the main activities being canning and shoemaking.
Catedral de Santa María
Palacio episcopal
Santuarío del Carmen
Iglesias de Santiago Apóstol,San Andrés ySan Francisco
Monasterio de San José
El Crucifijo
Museos de la Verdura,de la Romanización yDiocesano
Restos del circo romano en el paseo del Mercadal