Rioja Alavesa
Located in southern Álava, in the heart of Rioja Alavesa, Samaniego is a small village dedicated to grape-growing and making wines of extraordinary quality.
Indeed, winemaking is the major economic activity here, consisting of wineries that make up one of the most characteristic neighbourhoods of Samaniego, Matarredo.
During festivities such as Easter, Santa Águeda, San Prudencio or San Blas you can try typical dishes and recipes from the village such as flaky pastry, small lamb chops grilled on old vine branches, chorizo omelette and rosquillas (a type of doughnut).
Mediterráneo continental
572 m
10,64 km²
Puntos de interés
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
Ermitas del Cristo y de la Virgen del Valle
Ubicación y contacto