Oyón - Oion
Close to the River Ebro, Oyón is located in one of the areas with the lowest rainfall and highest average temperatures. The town is protected by the Cantabria and Codés mountain ranges, and stands on a gentle slope that runs down to the banks of the Ebro.
Vineyards are the main feature of the town’s agriculture.
Around 40% of companies in Rioja Alavesa are located here, its main sector being winemaking, followed by manufacturing industries and, to a lesser extent, companies that work on the transformation of metals/precision mechanics or the extraction and transformation of non-energy minerals.
The sectors with the highest representation are: Metal Product Manufacture (44.6%) and Chemical Industries (23%), followed by Machinery Manufacture and Storage (8%). Another important sector in the area: Graphic Arts.
Museo Etnográfico Municipal
Iglesia de Santa María de la Asunción
Ermita de la Virgen de las Viñas
Palacios de los Condes de Bureta y del Marqués del Puerto
Ubicación y contacto