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Many cultures have coexisted in Herramélluri, the main ones being the original Iberians, Berones, Romans and Basques: ‘Herramélluri’ is a Basque place name that means ‘burnt village’, although in the 16th century it was called Herramélluri de los Condes.

It is located near the archaeological site of the old Roman settlement of Libia.

The Venus of Herramélluri was found there: a 20-cm bronze figure weighing almost 2 kilos, which is now in the provincial palace.

The main crops in the area are wheat, barley, vineyards and forage crops.

Clima Oceánico
Altitud 575 m
Superficie 10,88 km²
Puntos de interés

Iglesia de San Esteban

Ermita de San Isidro

Lago de Herramélluri

Paseo por las riberas de los ríos Tirón y Reláchigo