Experiences in Rioja Experiences Buscar Mostrar mapa Ocultar mapa Filtros Guided tasting with a short visit Taste Sonsierra Bodegas Sonsierra Rioja Alta · San Vicente de la Sonsierra It is impossible to separate the world of wine from the world of gastronomy. In this workshop we will work in groups to become the best chefs, guided by a professional... A chef in the winery, experience for companies Bodegas Lozano Rioja Alavesa · Leza True to our commitment to preserve our heritage, we involve travelers in the custody of an emblematic building on the Las Viñuelas estate. We will teach you our culture:... I, EARTH, experience in the vineyard. BODEGAS VINÍCOLA REAL 200 MONGES Rioja Oriental · Albelda de Iregua Feel like a farmer for a day and join us in the tasks of pruning, sowing or harvesting at any time of the year. The tour takes place with a professional farmer who will... Vineyard experience Bodegas Lecea Rioja Alta · San Asensio VINOVERSO BODEGAS VALENCISO Rioja Alta · Ollauri "PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK WITH JET." AZABACHE FINCAS DE AZABACHE Rioja Oriental · Aldeanueva de Ebro Tour and tasting in the vineyard to learn about the working techniques of regenerative agriculture with the possibility of continuing the visit in the winery. For wine... Terroir' visit Bodegas Murua Rioja Alavesa · Elciego "Experience with us one of the most special moments of the year in Rioja Alavesa, coinciding with the harvest season. A walk through the vineyards Bodegas Baigorri Rioja Alavesa · Samaniego Barrel Tasting Tobelos Bodega y Viñedos S.L Rioja Alta · Ábalos Seasonal Riojan menu designed by Chef Miguel Caños, "Nublo" and "Los Caños" paired with our most classic and iconic references. Adapted menu for children. Lunch at the winery CVNE Rioja Alta · Haro Viñedo prefiloxérico BODEGAS PACO GARCIA Rioja Oriental · Murillo de Río Leza "Live the grape harvest like one of us Experience the grape harvest in Tobelos Tobelos Bodega y Viñedos S.L Rioja Alta · Ábalos Wine Bar La Sacristía Tasting Room has everything necessary to enjoy the wine collections from Ontañón Familia, Queirón... Without regrets! Wine Bar "La Sacristía" Tasting Room BODEGAS ONTAÑÓN, EL TEMPLO DEL VINO Rioja Alta · Logroño Experience the magic of the David's Stone Vineyard Shelter. Private gastronomy experience in a vineyard Momento Guardaviñas Bodegas David Moreno Rioja Alta · Badarán A fun way to learn about wine and its production. We will begin by briefly learning about the influence on the wine of factors such as climate, soils, varieties, aging... Team Building: Tasting contest BODEGAS PUELLES Rioja Alta · Ábalos Guided tour with tasting VISIT TO TIERRA WINERIES BODEGAS TIERRA Rioja Alavesa · Labastida Explanation in the vineyard and harvest practice, with grape treading afterwards, followed by lunch in the vineyard with typical Riojan products accompanied by our... Grape harvest festival, gastronomic experience Vivanco Rioja Alta · Briones Walk through vineyards where we will learn about the development of the vine in each of its stages. In the meantime, the children will taste grape lollipops and the... Wine Mushroom Family Bodegas Marqués de Reinosa Rioja Oriental · Autol Enjoy a visit to our family winery with Roberto and Laura, who will show you the particularities of their elaborations from the vineyard, tasting wines from the barrel... Traditional experience BODEGAS SANTALBA Rioja Alta · Gimileo Our winery offers different spaces to celebrate a complete meeting. Multifunctional rooms are available for work or meetings, offering a relaxed environment that... Meetings Ramón Bilbao Bodega Ramón Bilbao Rioja Alta · Haro Cargar más 1-20 de 390 Cerrar filtros Municipio Busca un municipio ÁbalosAgoncilloAguilar del Río AlhamaAlbelda de IreguaAlberiteAlcanadreAldeanueva de EbroAlesancoAlesónAlfaroAndosillaAngucianaArasArenzana de AbajoArenzana de ArribaArnedilloArnedoArrúbalAusejoAutolAzagraAzofraBadaránBañaresBaños de EbroBaños de Río TobíaBaños de RiojaBargotaBarriobustoBerceoBergasaBergasillas BajeraBezaresBobadillaBriñasBrionesCalahorraCamprovínCañasCanillas de Río TuertoCárdenasCasalarreinaCastañares de RiojaCellorigoCeniceroCervera del Río AlhamaCidamónCihuriCirueñaClavijoCordovínCoreraCornagoCripánCuzcurrita de Río TirónDaroca de RiojaEl RedalEl TerneroEl Villar de ArnedoElciegoElvillar de ÁlavaEntrenaEstolloFonceaFonzalecheFuenmayorGalbárruliGalileaGimileoGrávalosHaroHerceHerramélluriHervíasHormillaHormillejaHornos de MoncalvilloHuércanosIgeaLabastidaLabrazaLaguardiaLagunilla del JuberaLanciegoLapuebla de LabarcaLarderoLeivaLezaLeza de Río LezaLogroñoManjarrésMatuteMedranoMendaviaMoreda de ÁlavaMurillo de Río LezaMuro de AguasNájeraNaldaNavaridasNavarreteOchánduriOcónOllauriOyón - OionPradejónPréjanoQuelRibafrechaRincón de SotoRodeznoSajazarraSalinillas de BuradónSamaniegoSan AdriánSan AsensioSan Millán de YécoraSan TorcuatoSan Vicente de la SonsierraSanta ColomaSanta Engracia del JuberaSanta Eulalia BajeraSartagudaSojuelaSorzanoSotésTirgoTormantosTorrecilla sobre AlesancoTorremontalboTrevianaTricioTudelillaUruñuelaVentosaVianaVigueraVillabuena de ÁlavaVillalba de RiojaVillamediana de IreguaVillar de TorreVillarejoVillarroyaYécoraZarratón Zona de producción Rioja Alta Rioja Alavesa Rioja Oriental Tipo de experiencia Family Couple With friends Alone Work Interests Wine bar Music/Events Winery visit Vineyard visit Wine tasting Mostrar 10+ Food pairing Gastronomy Cultural Premium Harvest Nature and landscape Picnic Health and wellness Team building Sports and adventure Ordenar Aleatorio A-Z Z-A Restablecer todo Ver resultados