Hundreds of years have passed since the farming of the first grapevines in Rioja. An origin that goes back to the Ancient Rome, when a whole culture around wine that defines, molds and marks a territory emerged, and it’s alive through centuries up to present days.

2000 years of history

Rioja is the most ancient QDO in Spain (1925), but lots of steps have taken since.

Rioja in the Modern Age 1560

Rioja wine producers agree to place a common label on bottles.

Real Junta de Cosecheros 1787

The Real Junta de Cosecheros is born. Its main target was to promote grapevine farming, to enhance the quality of wines and to facilitate the commercialization in northern markets.

Warranty seal 1924

A group of Rioja producers ask their specific warranty seal to be recognised, to identify and separate their wine production from the others.

The birth of DO 1925

The Designation of Origin Rioja (DO) is born, delimitating the territory and establishing the first official Regulation. 1926 marks year one for Control Board.

Ageing warranty 1974

Rioja producers decide to offer additional warranties to customers, also certifying aged wines.

Vintage and category warranty 1980

Rioja producers decide to offer additional warranties to customers, also certifying vintage and different warranties.

New batch control 1985

Rioja starts a systematic control system by batches for volumes under 21997 gallons (100,000 litres).

First Qualified Designation of Origin Rioja (QDO) in the country 1991

Bottled in exclusive facilities. The new QDO is awarded.

First Qualified Designation of Origin Rioja (QDO) in the country 2000

To guarantee the authenticity of Rioja wines, a new holographic band with diffractive optic technology in warranty seals is set.

New millennium 2005

The second Strategic Plan 2005-2020 is born, in order to place QDO in the market and enhance its notoriety.

A time for new white wines 2008

The new Rioja white wines are set in QDO. Two autochthonous varieties (Maturana Blanca and Tempranillo blanco) and three international (Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc y Verdejo) are incorporated.

Enhancing our diversity 2009

The Maturana Tinta grape variety is incorporated (not cultivated anywhere in the world), as well as Turruntés, as white grape.

Betting on differentiation 2017

A new concept is born to enhance the origins of Viñedo Singular wines, plus strenghtening Zone and Municipal wines. From that year on, Vinos Espumosos de Calidad can be manufactured in Rioja.

A plan for the future 2021

New Strategic Plan 2021-2025 to enhance its value proposal and a revaluation of commercialisation.

Rioja keeps on betting in the height of XXI century on quality policies where continuous improvement, impartiality and integrity in its activities are part of its targets.

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