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Bodega del Monge - Garbati - Viña Ane

Bodega del Monge - Garbati - Viña Ane

Viña Ane is a family winery founded in 2004. The owners, Eduardo Monge and Lorena Garbati recognized the know-how and centuries-old tradition of their ancestors, always linked to life, grapes and wine.

The winery is located in the north of San Vicente de la Sonsierra, the small shelter population of the same slopes of Mount Toloño, in the Sierra de Cantabria. The cold winds of the north of the mountain range and the warm sun of the zone propitiate a unique microclimate for the cultivation of a grape of exceptional quality, unique in La Rioja.

Vinos de la bodega

El Laberinto De Viña Ane
El Laberinto De Viña Ane
Viña Ane Centenaria
Viña Ane Centenaria
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Viña Ane Seleccion
Viña Ane Seleccion
Viña Ane Autor
Viña Ane Autor